New Years Eve Dance
Black & White Midnight Masquerade
Speaker Meeting, Dinner, Raffle, Kids Activity, Dance
Contact Derrick M. 707-354-5193
Halloween Party
Speaker Mtg / Costume Contest / Pizza / Dessert Contest / Games
Bring candy for the kids
Suggested donation $10.00

H&I Day to Play
BBQ & Speakers
Help Get Literature into our local Institutions & have some fun too!
Hamburgers / Hotdogs / Beverages
Potluck Sides

Unity Weekend
Friday Night Potluck and Speaker Meeting at 7:00 PM
Saturday Continental Breakfast
Mens/Womens Meeting at 6:00 PM and Speaker Meeting at 7:00 PM
Sunday Continental Breakfast and Spiritual Meeting at 10:00 AM
$35 Pre-Registration
$45 Registration
$20 Day
NOYO Bida Ranch 21801 N Highway 1 Fort Bragg

90's House Party
Opens: 5
Potluck: 5:30
Speaker: 6:30
Raffle: 7:30
Dance: 8:00
Song Requests Call Derrick: 707-354-5193

Area Service Committee and Public Relations Subcommittee meeting will be held at 527 N. State Street Ukiah Ca 95482, Meeting is Open and all are welcome.
PR / Area Service Meeing
We will be moving to a holiday schedule for the next two months with our monthly service meeting being held on the third Saturday of each month.
We hope to see you there. (or on zoom)
527 S State St, Ukiah, CA 95482
P.R./Area Service Meeting
Meeting available in person and on Zoom
Meeting ID: 891 5560 2080
Passcode: 145361
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,89155602080# US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 891 5560 2080

Unity Weekend 2023
Fuller Campground, Lake Pillsbury
Hiking, Swimming, Speaker Meetings, Raffle and more…
Meals: Friday bring your own food, Saturday & Sunday Continental Breakfast provided, Saturday Hotdogs & Hamburgers - Please Bring Sides!
PreRegister Until 8/4/23 Call Penny to register (707-671-2982)

CAR/CAT Workshop
Join us for the Conference Agenda Report (CAR) discussion and subsequent group conscience is taken. All are welcome.

New Years Eve Dance
Come ring in the New Year the NA way. Bring a dessert to share. Dinner will be provided.

Save the Date - GSR Training Meeting and Potluck
Time and location details coming soon. This will be a potluck

October 2022 PR/Area Service
Join Area Service in Person or VIA Zoom
Topic: PR/ASC (4th Saturday 9:00am-12pm)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 891 5560 2080
Passcode: 145361
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,89155602080# US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 891 5560 2080