Area Service Committee
The area committee is the primary means by which the services of a local NA community are administered. The area committee is composed of group service representatives, administrative officers (chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, treasurer), subcommittee chairpersons, and the area's regional committee members. The area committee elects its own officers, subcommittee chairpersons, and RCMs.
Area Announcements
The following positions are still unfilled as of Nov 2023. Any member interested in serving Mendocino Area NA in one of these positions should attend the next Area Service meeting. All positions will become available at the beginning of each year.
Vice-Treasurer: 3 yrs. clean time
Secretary: 1 yrs. clean time
Public Relations Subcommittee
“As a fellowship, we have already made remarkable advancements in our relationships with the public. Area service committees around the world bring meetings into correctional facilities, provide information to various professionals, and interact with members of the public over NA phonelines and in planning NA events. And yet, there is still room for us to grow.”
The PR subcommittee is responsible for overseeing our area’s Public Relations activities including distribution of literature and schedules around the county, operation of the area phone line and website, bringing information panels to community events, and getting the word out about recovery in Narcotics Anonymous in Mendocino County. The PR subcommittee is also integrated with our H&I efforts to bring meetings and recovery into our local institutions. All NA members are welcomed and encouraged to participate in PR/H&I service!
Members wishing to get cleared to serve in H&I can come to any monthly PR meeting. Clearances happen at the end of the meeting.
Activities Subcommittee
The Mendocino County Area Activities Subcommittee is a volunteer group of the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous, which is dedicated to providing the Mendocino County Area with recovery-oriented events, activities, and merchandise. All funds generated through the Subcommittee belong to the MCANA.
Our area puts on a number of events and activities throughout the year, planned and executed by the Activities Subcommittee. Activities meetings are held monthly and all NA members are welcomed and encouraged to participate.
Where / When?
As of April 2023, Area Service and Public Relations committee meetings take place on the same day at the same location and are held back-to-back as follows:
Date: 4th Saturday of the Month
Time: Public Relations: 9:AM - Area Service: 10:30 AM
Location: TBD: Willits, CA
Activites Meeting: 3rd Sunday of the Month, 9:00 am, on Zoom
All committee meetings can be attended remotely via the zoom platform:
Meeting ID: 891 5560 2080
Passcode: 145361
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,89155602080# US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 891 5560 2080