Mendocino County Area Meetings

Including Ukiah, Willits, Fort Bragg, Laytonville and other Mendocino County Meetings

Current News

April ASC meeting will be held the 4th Saturday at Willits United Methodist Church

Activities will be held on the Third Sunday of each month on Zoom.

Vacant Service Positions: Secretary, Vice Treasurer

Upcoming Events and Activities

As addicts, we know the pain of addiction. But we also know the joy of recovery we have found in Narcotics Anonymous. Narcotics Anonymous Is a fellowship of recovering addicts who are living their lives, one day at a time, without the use of drugs. We meet regularly to help each other stay clean. It costs nothing to become a member of N.A. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using.

Just For Today

A Little About Our Area

Mendocino County, California is 3,510 square miles located along over 125 miles of breathtaking coast. We are known for our giant redwood forests and magnificent Pacific Ocean coastline. The environment is well preserved; the air is fresh, and the presence of wildlife makes our area one to escape to. 
Oh yes and at the moment we have over 45 NA meetings!

Although our area is vast and contains many cities, 7 of them have meetings and we
still have a close knit fellowship with good solid recovery.

Our activities change throughout the year and include camp-outs, BBQ's, dances, picnics, bowling and bingo!
We are a member of the T.A.C. convention committee.